Talenom’s sales invoicing services

Our sales invoicing service takes the weight off your shoulders while you focus on your day-to-day business. We will take care of the entire invoice life cycle, all the way to monitoring receivables and collecting debts.
We provide all invoicing services under one roof.

Talenom’s sales invoicing
keeps your company’s cash flow in order

Sales invoicing

When you choose Talenom’s sales invoicing service, you can access an easy-to-use invoicing app to monitor your receivables in real time. You can create invoices yourself or, subject to a separate agreement, we can do it for you. The recurring invoice feature takes care of regular invoicing at a stroke. If necessary, we can build an integration with another system.

We monitor invoice deliveries and payments. We also take care of payment reminders and sending invoices to debt collection. Sales are automatically booked in the accounts, and you receive regular, up-to-date reports.

As our customer, you will enjoy high-quality service and contact with our specialist whenever you need it.

Debt collection service

Talenom’s debt collection service helps you to manage receivables and improve your cash flow. Talenom’s system transfers invoices to debt collection automatically and in real time.


Benefits of the debt collection service:

  • Using the same service provider for invoicing and debt collection frees up time for the company’s core business.
  • Invoices are transferred to debt collection, and the process is initiated with a payment demand in real time.
  • A customer service agent always contacts debtors before the next debt collection phase.
  • Real-time debt collection actions reduce the risk of credit losses and accelerate payments.
  • No fixed costs: No deployment and monthly reporting fees or annual fees

We handle the entire invoice life cycle,
from monitoring receivables to collecting debts


When you choose our sales invoicing service, you also gain access to the competitive factoring service provided by our partners.

This service lets you finance your sales invoices and have the money in your account the next day. When you prepare an invoice directly in the Talenom app, you can choose to send it for factoring.

Hinta laskee käytön kasvaessa

Myyntilaskutuksessamme on käytössä volyymihinnoittelu. Kappalemäärien kasvaessa hinta pienenee.

Esimerkiksi jos yritykseltä lähtee 10 kpl myyntilaskua kuukaudessa, maksaa se palvelussamme x euroa.
Jos laskujen määrä on 30 kpl kuukaudessa, hinta on x euroa.

Our invoicing services include the following:


Easy sales invoicing software

  • For freelancers
  • For self-employed people
  • For micro-enterprises

from €0 /month

Talenom One

Services for small businesses

  • For freelancers
  • For self-employed people
  • For micro-enterprises

from €59 /month

Talenom Pro

Comprehensive and tailored care

  • For small businesses
  • For medium-sized businesses
  • For organisations

from €148 /month

10 June, 2022 

We are growing even bigger
and even better

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