An expert partner and reliable payroll service saves you time and enhances your payroll processes.
We offer comprehensive payroll services for all industries, irrespective of the organisation’s size. Free up time for your personnel to focus on your company’s core business and ensure payroll continuity under all circumstances.

A designated remuneration expert and a team specialising in your industry.
Payroll calculations and salary payment
Statutory and internal reporting.
Modern payroll systems and digital processes.
Customer service
is the most important part
of our payroll service

Efficient payroll for SMEs
We provide payroll services for all industries. Talenom’s payroll specialists are familiar with the collective agreements in different industries. The payroll service is quick and easy to deploy.
Your payroll outsourcing partner
The payroll services are adapted to your company’s needs to ensure you receive the most suitable service package. You can combine the package with other Talenom services, such as HR services.
Regular meetings are part of the service. Our specialists share their knowledge of upcoming changes to the legislation and collective agreements, as well as general advice.

Our payroll experts
Talenom’s personal payroll specialists can guide and assist you in all your payroll issues.
We have:
- Over 130 payroll specialists providing our payroll service
- Experience with more than 150 collective agreements
- Over 50 of our specialists hold the PHT qualification in payroll administration
Payroll system
Our payroll system is the modern Mepco HRM application. With the optional HR functions available for the software, you can combine payroll and HR in a single system.
All your remuneration and personnel data is stored securely in a single place- Deploying different customer user roles to improve information flow within the organisation
- Mepco’s interfaces integrate data from external systems

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Do you need any other services? No problem!
Talk to our specialists. They will analyse your situation and offer you a tailored service.
Chosen Stories

Contacts per agent increased by 48% while our CSAT score stayed above 90%. The ultimate goal is to be able to wrap a human-centric layer of automation. These improvements to their customer experience reduced churn by 0.5%, and is helping them gain a competitive advantage

Talenom was an ideal solution for HILLAVA. These improvements to their customer experience reduced churn by 0.5%, and is helping them gain a competitive advantage. Talenom has changed the way our sales and support teams collaborate.

These improvements to their customer experience reduced churn by 0.5%, and is helping them gain a competitive advantage. Contacts per agent increased by 48% while our CSAT score stayed above 90%. The ultimate goal is to be able to wrap a human-centric layer of automation.

10 June, 2022

We are growing even bigger
and even better
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