Driver’s note report

The driver’s note report functionality is available to selected customers.

Share the mileage report #

  1. Open the mileage report.
  2. From the top right corner, select Download as PDF.
  3. Open the sharing menu and select Talenom.
  4. Log in to Talenom Mobile. If you are already logged in, the report sharing view will open directly.
  5. Select Driver’s logbook – Send log of driven mileage.
  6. Check and add any missing information that has not automatically been transferred from the attached document and finally select Send.
  7. You can find the sent driving logs in the Documents section.

Default settings for driving logs #

From the navigation menu, select Settings – Default Settings to define the default settings for the vehicle owner and the vehicle. Once the default settings have been updated, they will automatically be completed in the next driving logs to be sent.