Balance sheet

Updated on 11.6.2024

From the Reports main screen, select Balance sheet.

The balance sheet shows the opening balance, the final balance, and the difference between them. Select the time interval you want to view from the Period menu. If the report says In progress, the accounting is not yet complete and the numbers are subject to change.

View voucher details

Use the Expand all menu to open and close all item lines. You can drill down into the balance sheet all the way to voucher-level by clicking the arrow before the items. Unlike the income statement, transactions on the balance sheet appear from the beginning of the financial year until the period you selected, and not just for the month you selected.

Click the voucher number to open the details of an individual voucher.

In addition to the voucher image, you can view the voucher entries.

Download the report

You can save the balance sheet report in PDF or Excel format. Open the item lines that you want, and then click Download report. The report prints the lines that you have open in the balance sheet view.