Create an invoice

Updated on 13.11.2023

With the New invoice button, you create a blank invoice and get to choose which customer the invoice is addressed to.

Valitse asiakas

When you arrive at a new invoice, the customer’s search is immediately open.


Voit hakea asiakasta asiakasrekisteristä kirjoittamalla asiakkaan nimeä, nimen jatkoa tai asiakasnumeroa ja valitsemalla asiakkaan listalta.

Luo uusi asiakas

You can add a new customer by typing the customer’s name in the search field and pressing Enter (line break) or by clicking the customer’s name in the New: field.
After this, you can enter the customer’s address and other information directly on the invoice and select information related to the customer (e.g. customer type).
With the Close button, you save the customer and the system creates a new customer in the customer register.
A red triangle shows missing and incorrect data.

Laskurivin lisäys ja käsittely

Use the Add new row button to add a calculation row. You can add a header type row with the Add header button.
When you enter the text Product and explanation in the invoice line, the system searches for a product with the same name in the product register. When you see the right product, you can select it from the list and the product information is automatically added to the calculation line.

You can also enter the information in the calculation line freely without selecting from the product register.
Sales account (mandatory) and tracking items (visible if used at your company) are selected by invoice line. You can limit the sales accounts by first selecting the VAT%.
Red underlining indicates missing and incorrect information.
You accept the line with the Close line button or the Esc key. When you’re adding the bottom line, press Enter (newline), the line closes and a new line opens.
With the Save as new product button, you can save the new product you added in the calculation line to the product register.

Clicking on the “three dots” on the left side of the line opens a menu where you can copy and delete the line and move the line to the first or last. You can move the row to the desired position by grabbing it and dragging.
You can open a row by clicking on the row or by highlighting the row and pressing Enter (new line). The Del key deletes the highlighted line.
With the hidden information button, you can see the sales account selected for the counter lines and the tracking items without opening the lines.

Laskukohtaiset toiminnot

Lisää liite

With the Add attachment button, you can add one pdf file to the invoice. The appendix is ​​delivered to the customer with the invoice. After adding an attachment, the name of the button is 1 Attachment. Pressing it opens a window where you can open the attachment by pressing the name of the attachment file. You can delete the attachment by pressing the cross next to the attachment file. Since the attachment is accounting material, it cannot be deleted or changed once the invoice has been sent


Clicking the “three dots” opens a menu with invoice-specific functions:
Invoice deletion (only Interim invoice) and copy and credit invoice creation.
By selecting print, you can download the invoice as a PDF file.
In the settings, you can manage invoice reminders and collection blocks and change the language of the invoice . The language options are Finnish, Swedish, English and German.
You can download the offer, order confirmation and shipment as a PDF file, where the information comes from the invoice.
You can enter the seller’s name at the beginning of the download. You can also leave the name blank.
You can change the currency of the invoice by clicking the Change currency button and selecting the desired currency from the menu. The program automatically retrieves the previous day’s exchange rate and adjusts the sums of the lines on the invoice to that currency, taking the rate into account.

Rahoita lasku

If your company has a financing service in use,
Finance invoice function changes the invoice to a financing invoice. The cancel financing function changes the financing invoice to a normal invoice.

A copy of the old invoice

Laskut näkymässä laskulle suoritettavia toimintoja voit valita valikosta, joka avautuu klikkaamalla rivin vasemmassa laidassa olevaa ”kolmea pistettä”. Toiminnot ovat käytettävissä myös avatulla laskulla.

Kopioi toiminnolla voit luoda uuden laskun kopioimalla olemassa olevan laskun. Uudelle laskulle laskurivit tulevat kopioidulta laskulta ja voit valita kenelle asiakkaalle lasku osoitetaan (samalle vai jollekin toiselle). Voit poistaa, lisätä ja muokata kopioidun laskun laskurivejä ylläolevan ohjeen mukaan.

Luo hyvityslasku

Luo hyvityslasku toiminnolla voit luoda hyvityslaskun olemassa olevasta laskusta.
Voit poistaa, lisätä ja muokata hyvityslaskun laskurivejä ylläolevan ohjeen mukaan.
